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  • Olusegun Onifade Adepoju Adepoju Nigerian Army University
  • Daniel Ogola Bekesuomowei Nigerian Maritime University



inland waterways, boat, mishaps, accidents, Nigeria


The Nigerian inland waterways cannot be said to be safe as a result of incessant boat accidents especially during the raining season. The necessity to develop this paper stemmed from avoidable accidents of boats on Nigerian Inland Waterways. This paper presented the challenges of boat accidents or crashes in Nigeria with a view to provide relevant solutions to the identified problems. Retrieved data from literatures were used to present boat accidents across littoral states in Nigeria. The secondary data collected was upgraded to capture the recent incidents of boat mishaps across all the States involved in Nigeria. Descriptive statistics was used to showcase the percentages of the accidents across the States and the advisory way forward to cushion the incessant unfortunate incidents were suggested. It is believed that, each Nigerian littoral state will be proactive to utilize the suggested measures to curb the rate of boat and maritime accidents on our inland waterways.


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How to Cite

Adepoju, O. O. A., & Bekesuomowei , D. O. (2023). INCESSANT BOAT MISHAPS ON NIGERIAN INLAND WATERWAYS- ADVISORY WAY FORWARD ANALYSIS . Daha International University Academic Journal (DIUAJ), 2(2), 112–118.


