The Role of Video Games on Childhood Studying

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Video games, Child, Adult, Violence, Aggression, Behaviour


The most common and tolerable form of entertainment these days are ongoing demand of
playing Video games. The numbers of grown-ups who play video games have augmented due
to the earlier generation of gamers having transitioned or moved into adulthood. Although it is
assumed that video games are mainly for children and is considered as “childish” or “juvenile,”
the gaming industry has already stretched its height among the adult spectators.Many people
working in the field of education, especially teachers of, as they say, the old in schools, one of the
principal’s reactions especially pointed out: during the discussion on Permission to conduct student
polling, the principal asked about the theme of the paper, and her reaction to the title role of video
games in the student’s overall success was: “Oh, yes, that’s a very big problem.” We notice negative
impression in older population, but since video games are so popular that sometimes they are
considered a kind of art, they indubitably affect the lives of consumers, either positively or
negatively. But how do video games affect students? It is indubitable that most children and
adolescents at least sometimes play video games. For this reason, since the 1980s studies have been
carried out on the subject of video games, mostly focused on negative impacts, especially the impact
of violent video games, but certain positive impacts were also found. Some of the negative and
positive impacts, found by previous research, are presented in this paper. These studies leave space
for various interpretations, and therefore the main issues of these studies are also briefly presented
in the paper. In order to understand the role of video games, as well as the results of the earliest
research on the role of video games, we will briefly present the history of video games. But thematter of children playing video games continues nowadays a lot. Many a times, games are
attributed and accused for the escalation of violence and aggression among children. People
have been inquisitive as to what the special effects of games on youngsters really are if whether
they both have positive and negative effects or none at all. This study investigates into the
behavior pattern of video game playing children and adolescents. Furthermore, it also examines
their motivation for video games through a structured questionnaire. The study focuses on the
demographic video game usage and preferences. It also studies whether such games lead to
aggressive behavior or pro social behavior among the video game players. This study was
conducted for 100 children and adolescent people playing such video games from various
socio-economic backgrounds in Mumbai city. The type of sampling technique used is Simple
Random Sampling wherein a questionnaire was prepared and circulated to the videogame
players and as per the interpretation findings and conclusion were sought. The age of
technological advancement has led to the rise of many things that children and adults can do
on phones and computers. In the gone eras, children would congregate together and play ball
games, athletics, or other games that involved physical interactions. The modern era has led to
the current phenomenon where Children are locked up in houses, with little chance of knowing
their next-door neighbors. With such a turn of events, leisure times are used either connecting
with friends using social media platforms or playing virtual games such as FIFA and Need for
Speed (NFS). The virtual games have created a distance between the Thinking capabilities and
development of children in the modern era and in the past times. Video games have educational
impacts as well as some negative effects on the growth and development of the child. The
games may influence their ability to interact in real life, either positively or negatively. Not
only do video games affect the ability of a child to cope socially and physically, but
they also lead to both positive and negative long-term effects in their development.


Author Biography

Suleiman Mohamed Osman, Afgoi international university




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Written content of “The effects of video games on school achievement” last modified


Portions of the text are derived from an earlier article by the same author, “The effects of

video games on school achievement,” 2010.




How to Cite

Osman, S. M. (2023). The Role of Video Games on Childhood Studying. Daha International University Academic Journal (DIUAJ), 2(1), 58–71.


