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  • Mohamud Jama Hashi Benadir University
  • Kawalya Isa Islamic University in Uganda



Community, Participation, Health, Service Delivery, Mogadishu Municipality


The paper discusses the relationship between community participation and health service delivery in Mogadishu Municipality-Somalia. The study was motivated by poor health service delivery in the public sector which might caused by limited participation of respective stakeholders. The specific objectives of this research were intended to examine the relationship among community resource mobilization; community involvement; community empowerment and health service delivery in Municipality. The study used correlation design and the sample was 138 respondents. Simple random and purposive sampling were used as a sampling techniques to collect data. Questionnaires were the main tool used together data. The data was coded, organized, analyzed and interpreted using the Statistical Packages for Social Scientists (SPSS). As regards the relationship between community resource mobilization and health service delivery in Howlwadag and Hodan districts of Mogadishu municipality, the findings generally indicated that there is a small significant relationship between community resource mobilization and health service delivery in two districts (r = .285, n=138, p = .001). As relates to the relationship between community involvement and health service delivery in both districts, the findings shown that there is a small negative relationship between community involvement and health service delivery in two districts although involvement is not significant predictor of the health service delivery (r= -.006, n=138, p = .941). Considering the correlation between community empowerment and health service delivery in districts, the findings revealed that there is a small positive relationship between community empowerment and health service delivery in two districts but empowerment was not a statically significant predictor of the health service delivery because of the sig. level (r = .144, n=138, p = .092). The study found that local communities in Mogadishu municipality are willing to participate in health service delivery at the grassroots level. However, there are many foctors that deviate the associations among variables including urgent needs for sector service delivery reform and implementation of long-term projects that address poor health service delivery. Lak of involvement of community members in health services delivery, insecurity, poor odinances and by-laws concerning local government organizations, limited research and publications about community resources are also exist. The lack of creation of sensitization programs, limited health care management information systems, lack of social security system and health insurance system. Nevertheless, the study revealed that the relationship between community participation and health service delivery in Mogadishu municipality is very limited. Finally, the study concluded that the community participation in health service delivery in Mogadishu is very weak.


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How to Cite

Hashi, M. J., & Isa, K. (2023). COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION AND HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY IN MOGADISHU MUNICIPALITY- SOMALIA. Daha International University Academic Journal (DIUAJ), 2(2), 100–111.


