The Effect of Social Media Technology on Politics and Democracy: The Case Study of Somalia

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Social Media, Political Propaganda, Democracy, Political Participation


That the internet, one of the communication technologies, has been developing continuously since the past. With the widespread use of computers, the frequency of use of the Internet has also increased. The features that the internet has gained with this evolutionary transformation has led to the expansion of the usage areas of the internet. The evolution process of the Internet led to the emergence of social media channels in the 2000s. With the introduction of smart mobile phones into our lives, social media has become an indispensable part of human life. Today, social media tools, which are widely used all over the world, play an effective role in determining the consumption habits of individuals, their place in society and their daily lives. Among the features that social media brings to its users, being organized, instant communication, sending feedback and creating a friend network have also changed political participation practices. In recent years, social media networks have played an important role in many social movements. In the study, the data obtained by the questionnaire method created in google form from a sample of 424 people were analyzed with the SPSS program and the results were interpreted. Participants in this study have strongly demonstrated that social media has a strong influence on politics and democracy, and has also increased the awareness and following of the Somali people about the situation in the country therefore Social media prevents dictatorship and supports the implementation of democracy. In the same way, according to the results, in the last political elections, the political success of Somalis and their reputation in the society was influenced or determined by social media.


Author Biography

Dahir Ahmed Hassan, Daha International University




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How to Cite

Hassan, D. A. (2023). The Effect of Social Media Technology on Politics and Democracy: The Case Study of Somalia. Daha International University Academic Journal (DIUAJ), 2(1), 45–57.


