The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development in Somalia

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  • Mohamed Ahmed Yusuf Hamar University



Foreign direct investment, Gross domestic product, Economic development


This study has investigated the impact of foreign direct investment and Economic Development in quest of the Federal government of Somalia. The study has concentrated the problem of foreign direct investment that has long lasted many years in Somalia. Although corruption is a universal problem, Somalia is one of the victims of corruption; corruption has undermined economic, political and social development. This study has identified the forms of foreign direct investment which arepractised in Somalia, particularly foreign direct investment. This research paper has revealed the different kinds of Investment, which exist in Economic Development. This study has studied the level of Investment, and how it is practised in public institutions, similarly, investment practice in bureaucrats has investigated, and it has highlighted how government officers are accountable to one another. Both Foreign direct Investment and economic Development along with several alternatives which revealed during this research havestrengthened the process to tackle foreign direct investment. This study has emphasised government officers to know their suggestion about how foreign direct Investment and economic development can reduce corruption. It has investigated the best approach that government promised to end corruption. This study has found that the gender disparity which exists economic development. The bureaucrats’ level of education has found which increased the accuracy of responses of this paper. The research methodology and methods haveadapted to capture the respondent's views and suggestion about Foreign direct Investment and economic Development and their role in tackling corruption. The study has used survey questionnaire to collect primary data. Secondary data has also included the research body to increase the level of understanding of the audience. Finally, the result of this piece of a research paper has concluded that a level of Economic exists in public sector in Somalia. Also, both vourable for productive investments to augment the process of development.



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How to Cite

Yusuf , M. A. (2022). The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development in Somalia . Daha International University Academic Journal (DIUAJ), 1(1), 35–49.


