The Developing Trade Relations Between Turkey and Africa in the Last Decade: The Case of Somalia

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Turkey, Africa, Somalia, Foreign Trade, Import-Export


Today, Africa has become a centre of attraction and power for global actors with its geopolitical location, strategic trade routes, rich energy and underground resources, agricultural potential, growing and developing market. While Turkey's diplomatic relations network in Africa shows its effect in economic, political, and social fields, it also contributes to the development of trade between Turkey and Africa due to the developing economic relations. In this study, the developing trade relations between Turkey and Africa in the last decade, especially the economic and trade relations between Turkey and Somalia are discussed. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the trade between Turkey and Somalia has increased steadily in the last ten years (2011-2020). While the trade volume between the two countries was only $42 million in 2011, ten years later, in 2020, the volume of foreign trade was $270.9 million.


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How to Cite

Hassan , S. M. (2022). The Developing Trade Relations Between Turkey and Africa in the Last Decade: The Case of Somalia. Daha International University Academic Journal (DIUAJ), 1(1), 50–63.


